A Message From the Founding Director - March

Forget the Ides of March and the month’s extreme weather, this March is all about women. March 8th is International Women’s Day! #BalanceforBetter

The Teaching for Learning Center joins Mizzou’s celebration of Women’s History and wants to thank our colleagues for the impact they achieve through Mizzou’s many women’s organizations. Special note: On March 7, our Women’s and Gender Studies department is hosting intersectionality expert, author and award-winning blogger, Feminista Jones.

The Teaching for Learning Center is working on several exciting endeavors for the upcoming months. We have been hosting events to hear from you and your input is helping to inform our actions for the design and build of Mizzou’s new center. Please follow our website, Twitter and LinkedIn accounts as we unveil details. Check out the attached poster with events for you and check out highlights below. RSVP and bring colleagues because social learning contributes to deeper learning – plus, it’s more fun.
List of March Events:

Teaching Academy – Using group work to make your large lecture class more active, inclusive, and less work
Tuesday, March 12 – 11:00am to 1:30pm

RSVP here:  https://missouri.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_ezj9sSouM8OmkkJ


Teaching for Learning Conversations – The Value of Rubrics in Teaching, Learning and Assessment.
Monday March 18 – 10am to 11am
RSVP here: https://missouri.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_cD3f43QXBTcELU9. (Seating is limited. Location to be announced.)

Special Event with Distinguished Guest, Dr. Stephen Brookfield
Friday, April 5, 2019
Location: Reynolds Alumni Center
Inclusive Excellence in Teaching for Learning: A Public Conversation

11:00 am – 12:30 pm

Operationalizing Inclusive Excellence through Reflective Teaching Practices

1:30 pm – 3:00 pm
RSVP here: https://missouri.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_7WKUTzUye5etWgB

Teaching and Learning with Technology (TLT) Conference

Hosted by Missouri S&T CAFÉ program

Thursday March14-Friday March 15

Location: Butler-Carlton Hall, Missouri S&T, Rolla MO.


Celebration of Teaching – Share your scholarly teaching practices and innovative ideas. The Call for Proposals for concurrent sessions is open.

SUBMIT your proposal by Friday, March 15

Submissions here: https://missouri.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_9XfsZaayCCTrPrn


Teaching for Learning Center Events– now on the MU Calendar, too!


Special note for those teaching Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences:

New RFP (attached) for ASH Scholars Project, Due: 3-22-19.


Save the Dates!

April 9 – Teaching with Intention: Practical Strategies for Effective Teaching and Learning
(details TBA)  11:30 – 1:00, Student Center 2205 A/B

May 21-22, 2019 – 10th Annual Celebration of Teaching

August 8-9, 2019 New Faculty Orientation


Connect with us and build on Mizzou’s teaching culture!
Follow us on Twitter: @T4LCMizzou

Network with us on LinkedIn: T4LC University of Missouri

Visit our website: tlc.missouri.edu


Contact us at teaching@missouri.edu; we would love to hear from you.


Thank you for all you do for and with Mizzou students!

Tori Mondelli, Kelly Holtkamp, & Jonathan Crader
The T4LC Team