News and Profiles
AI and the Learning Environment
In the spring 2024 semester, the Provost charged tri-chairs of an “Artificial Intelligence and the Learning Environment Taskforce” to create a working group to research and make recommendations on the following three areas: 1) pedagogy, 2) learning, and 3) ethics. Tori Mondelli (Director, Teaching for Learning Center), Enid Schatz (Associate Dean, Graduate School), and Ben…
Syllabi Policies for AI Generative Tools
This collaborative Google Doc was created by Faculty Developer Lance Eaton and offers over 100 sample syllabus statements which you can sort by discipline and rights for reuse. It is a wonderful resource to help every educator share ideas on how to communicate clearly with students on this important teaching and learning topic. Share yours…
Inclusive Educators Podcast
Listen here to T4LC Associate Director, Flower Darby, as she discusses pre-semester planning on how to bring equity to the classroom with elements from her recently published book, The Norton Guide to Equity-Minded Teaching.
How This Professor Made History Class Cool Again
Dr. Tori Mondelli shares her model for learning game design with The Chronicle of Higher Education. Read on for a glimpse of how the pedagogy fosters deeper student learning and engagement.