Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: What is the Teaching for Learning Center (T4LC)?

A1: The Teaching for Learning Center (T4LC) is a center established by the University of Missouri to elevate the prominence and performance of the teaching and learning communities on campus.

Q2: Who does the T4LC serve?

A2: The T4LC serves all faculty members, graduate teaching assistants, and staff with instructional roles by fostering dialogue, action, and reflection for and with the academic community.

Q3: When was the T4LC established?

A3: The T4LC was established in 2017.

Q4: What is the mission of the T4LC?

A4: The mission of the T4LC is to empower educators to achieve transformative learning environments characterized by inclusive excellence, evidence-based practices, and innovation.

Q5: How does the T4LC support faculty members, graduate teaching assistants, and staff with instructional roles?

A5: The T4LC supports these individuals by fostering dialogue, action, and reflection, and by providing educational programs, resources, and services that enhance instructional skills and promote inclusive teaching practices.

Q6: What programs and services does the T4LC offer to the university teaching community?

A6: The T4LC offers a variety of programs and services, including workshops, seminars, consultations, and resources focused on teaching and learning strategies, assessment methods, instructional technology, and more. These offerings are designed to support the professional development and growth of the university teaching community.

Q7: How does the T4LC promote evidence-based teaching practices and innovative pedagogy?

A7: The T4LC promotes evidence-based teaching practices and innovative pedagogy by offering faculty development opportunities that emphasize research-based strategies, active learning approaches, and the integration of technology in teaching. The center also encourages instructors to explore new instructional methods and experiment with emerging educational technologies.

Q8: What is the role of the faculty advisory board in the T4LC?

A8: The faculty advisory board plays a crucial role in the T4LC by providing guidance, expertise, and feedback on the center’s initiatives, programs, and services. The board members represent various disciplines and serve as advocates for effective teaching and learning practices across the university.

Q9: How does the T4LC contribute to the scholarship of teaching and learning?

A9: The T4LC actively supports the scholarship of teaching and learning by facilitating research projects, offering grants for educational research, organizing conferences and symposiums on teaching and learning, and fostering collaborations among faculty members interested in scholarly inquiry into pedagogy and student learning outcomes.

Q10: How does the T4LC support curriculum reform and assist with course and program-level learning goals?

A10: The T4LC provides support for curriculum reform initiatives by offering expertise in course design, alignment of learning outcomes and assessments, and the integration of inclusive and evidence-based teaching practices. The center works closely with faculty to identify learning goals, develop effective assessment strategies, and enhance the overall quality of courses and programs.

Q11: What research activities does the T4LC engage in to enhance teaching and learning?

A11: The T4LC engages in research activities that explore pedagogical approaches, instructional innovations, and the impact of various teaching practices on student learning outcomes. The center collaborates with faculty members and educational researchers to conduct studies, gather data, and disseminate findings that inform evidence-based teaching strategies.

Q12: How does the T4LC assist instructors in accessing funding for teaching and curriculum development grants?

A12: The T4LC provides guidance and support to instructors seeking funding for teaching and curriculum development grants. The center offers workshops and consultations to help faculty members identify funding opportunities, develop grant proposals, and align their projects with the goals and priorities of grant-funding organizations.

Q13: What resources does the T4LC provide to support teaching and learning on campus?

A13: The T4LC offers a wide range of resources to support teaching and learning on campus. These resources include online teaching guides, instructional toolkits, multimedia materials, research publications, and a digital repository of best practices and teaching resources. Faculty members can access these resources to enhance their instructional effectiveness and explore new approaches to teaching.

Q14: How does the T4LC collaborate with other academic support units and campus organizations?

A14: The T4LC actively collaborates with other academic support units and campus organizations to foster a culture of effective teaching and learning. The center engages in joint initiatives, shares resources and expertise, and collaborates on professional development opportunities to provide comprehensive support to the university teaching community.

Q15: How does the T4LC contribute to the recognition of teaching excellence and innovation?

A15: The T4LC contributes to the recognition of teaching excellence and innovation by administering teaching awards, facilitating peer observation and feedback programs, and showcasing exemplary teaching practices through seminars, conferences, and publications. The center celebrates and promotes the achievements of faculty members who demonstrate outstanding teaching effectiveness and innovative pedagogical approaches.

Q16: How does the T4LC engage with the broader community and promote experiential and active forms of teaching and learning?

A16: The T4LC actively engages with the broader community by organizing workshops, seminars, and conferences that promote experiential and active forms of teaching and learning. The center also collaborates with community partners to develop service-learning opportunities, internships, and other experiential learning initiatives that enhance student engagement and connect classroom learning with real-world contexts.

Q17: How can faculty members participate in professional enrichment programming offered by the T4LC?

A17: Faculty members can participate in professional enrichment programming offered by the T4LC by attending workshops, seminars, and webinars on various topics related to teaching and learning. The center also provides opportunities for faculty to serve as workshop presenters, facilitators, and contributors to share their expertise and experiences with the broader teaching community.

Q18: How does the T4LC work to increase participation from faculty in disciplines that have not traditionally been involved in professional development for teaching and learning?

A18: The T4LC actively works to increase participation from faculty in disciplines that have not traditionally been involved in professional development for teaching and learning. The center offers discipline-specific resources, tailored workshops, and targeted outreach initiatives to engage faculty from diverse academic backgrounds and ensure that all disciplines have access to effective teaching support and resources.

Q19: Can faculty members collaborate with the T4LC to enhance educational outcomes and revise curricula?

A19: Yes, faculty members are encouraged to collaborate with the T4LC to enhance educational outcomes and revise curricula. The center provides consultation services, curriculum design support, and pedagogical expertise to assist faculty in improving teaching effectiveness, implementing new instructional strategies, and aligning curricula with best practices and evolving educational goals.

Q20: How can I get involved with the T4LC’s activities and initiatives?

A20: You can get involved with the T4LC’s activities and initiatives by attending workshops and events, exploring the center’s resources and publications, participating in faculty development programs, and engaging with the T4LC staff and faculty community. The center welcomes your active participation and contributions in fostering a culture of effective teaching and learning at the university.