Communities of Practice

Chemistry Community of Practice

Our 2023-2024 Chemistry Community of Practice (CoP) is a collaborative space for teaching faculty to brainstorm ways to support student success in chemistry courses. Through regular sharing sessions, we explore evidence-based teaching strategies and innovative methods that enrich the learning environment and foster deeper student understanding. Alongside discussing best practices, we also surface common teaching challenges and solutions, offering a supportive environment for pedagogical growth.

Facilitated by Dr. Lydia Bentley and the teaching faculty of the MU Chemistry Department.

Mindfulness in Teaching Community of Practice

This Community of Practice is for instructors who incorporate mindfulness practices on two levels: for ourselves, and for our students. Based on our understanding of research about the benefits of mindfulness, we may invite our students to do meditation, mindful movement, or other contemplative practices during or outside of class time. No less important are our own mindfulness practices and how they offer us opportunities to destress, heal, and reflect in ways that make our teaching, research, and service lives more fulfilling. We learn from each other, share resources, and plan a yearly half-day retreat for MU instructors. We discuss the realities and challenges of bringing mindfulness practices to our professional lives. Whether you’re an experienced mindfulness practitioner or new to these ideas, you are welcome to join us for Bring Your Own Lunch meetings several times per semester as well as special events. The Fall 2024 virtual sessions will take place on September 11th from 12:00 to 1:00 p.m., October 23rd from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m., and November 13th from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Facilitated by Rose Metro.