Teaching Renewal Week 2022
January 11, 2022 (Tuesday) Time Session 10:00am-11:00am Keynote: Facing the Future of Technology and Learning In the last decade, innovations like adaptive learning, smartphones, learning analytics, OER, and MOOCs have been chipping away at the corners of traditional education – causing us to teach using more technology. The pandemic accelerated technology adoption, but…

Giving to Mizzou – Teaching for Learning Center
If you would like to support our work at the Teaching for Learning Center, we would greatly appreciate your tax-deductible contribution. You can make a gift to the Teaching for Learning Center online, using MU’s secure “Giving to Mizzou” webpage. Once at this website, you can choose your donation amount and payment option. Please confirm…

Register now! Teaching Renewal Week 2022
Registration is now open! Monday, January 10th - Friday, January 14th, 2022. The theme for this year's conference is Curricular and Instructional Innovation.

Teaching Renewal Week 2022 – January 10th – January 14th, 2022
SAVE THE DATE! Monday, January 10th - Friday, January 14th, 2022 The theme for this year's virtual Teaching Renewal Week conference is Curricular and Instructional Innovation. Join us for sessions that will share the many innovative ways we promote student learning in our courses and other learning experiences. Keynote Speaker: Dr. Maria Andersen Dr. Maria…

Teaching Renewal Week 2021 – January 11th-15th, 2021
Session materials and recordings from Teaching Renewal Week are now available on the Teaching for Learning Center Gateway!

New Resource: Inclusive Teaching Practices Toolkit
By implementing inclusive teaching practices, faculty create learning environments where all students feel they belong and have the opportunity to achieve at high levels. ACUE is excited to introduce a set of free resources—including videos and downloadable planning guides—that can be immediately put to use to benefit both faculty and their students. These practices are tailored for online teaching but are also relevant to the physical classroom.

‘We Can’t Ignore This Issue’: How to Talk With Students About Racism
“…Talking about racism doesn’t begin and end with one classroom conversation, nor is it a checklist for your class to tackle. “We’re really talking about transformative practices,” says Jamiella Brooks, an associate director of the Center for Teaching and Learning at the University of Pennsylvania. “That involves a lot of reflection and a lot of engagement in and out of the classroom.”

‘We’re All in This Together’
The authors -- who include many leading lights in the teaching and learning world -- responded overwhelmingly, and as the selections poured in, Mondelli said in an interview that she was struck by a "thread" that ran through many of them: "the need to center student well-being." That might have been the case even before the pandemic upended students' worlds, educationally and otherwise, but providing education that is student-centered and adaptive "is going to stick here," says Mondelli, who co-edited the collection with Thomas J. Tobin of the University of Wisconsin at Madison. "I don't think there's any going back."

Celebration, Collaboration and Care
MU Teaching for Learning Center helps lead the way in impactful online learning.

Leveraging the Neuroscience of Now
This feeling of world-weariness that my student expressed is not uncommon. The social isolation and loneliness of the COVID-19 pandemic present significant emotional and physical health risks that make us feel disconnected and put us on high alert, triggering the body's stress response.