Welcome Graduate Assistant Ransford Pinto
Ransford Pinto is a Ph.D. Candidate in the Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis at the University of Missouri-Columbia.

Welcome Associate Director Dr. Jonathan Cisco
Appointment effective September 16

Welcome Associate Director Dr. Lydia Bentley
Appointment effective August 12

It’s time to CELEBRATE!
Come one, come all and bring colleagues! Our special event will be a teaching conference to be remembered. Our keynote speaker, Dr. James Lang will engage us with “small teaching” moves that leverage powerful research-based findings to deepen student learning.

Special Event with Distinguished Guest, Dr. Stephen Brookfield
Hosted by the Teaching for Learning Center on Friday, April 5, 2019.

Teaching Renewal Week 2019 – January 14th-January 18th, 2019
Week of Jan 14 – 18. Sessions scheduled for January 15th have been cancelled.

Teaching and Learning Technology Conference
NOW ACCEPTING PROPOSALS TO PRESENT! Proposals are due by Friday, November 30, 2018.

Faculty Collaborate to Re-envision MU’s Curriculum
A group of University of Missouri faculty from a variety of disciplines spent the first part of the summer rethinking curricula in ways that enhance student success.

SEC Achievement
Accountancy professor at MU earns recognition for his years of research and teaching.

Victoria Mondelli Named Teaching for Learning Center Founding Director
Appointment effective September 4