Inclusive Educators Podcast
Listen here to T4LC Associate Director, Flower Darby, as she discusses pre-semester planning on how to bring equity to the classroom with elements from her recently published book, The Norton Guide to Equity-Minded Teaching.

The Mindful Minute
T4LC Fellow, Dr. Rosalie Metro (Associate Teaching Professor - Learning, Teaching, & Curriculum), shares her thoughts on how to begin your classes with an element of mindfulness.

“Teaching Symposium Highlights Inclusivity Principles”
The annual College of Engineering Symposium on Engineering Teaching Excellence focused primarily on inclusivity in teaching and clasrooms and featured the Teaching for Learning Center's director, Tori Mondelli, as its keynote presenter. Read more here.

Bringing Theories to Practice: Universal Design Principles and the Use of Social Annotation to Support Neurodiverse Students
Social annotation tools such as Hypothesis and Voice Thread, when used well, boost student engagement, enhance critical thinking, expand reading comprehension, and increase student interaction. Learn more about these tools here with this article from Faculty Focus.

The Expert Network
The Expert Network is a fantastic, free, online resource for faculty and instructional staff. Access individualized coaching to help address teaching challenges in your learning environment. Experts will attend to your unique situation and offer suggestions that are attuned to the needs of diverse learners. Consider taking advantage of their flexible, on-demand coaching this summer!

Assigning Roles to Increase the Effectiveness of Group Work
Although group assignments have many benefits, instructors may encounter a wide variety of problems. Common problems include students not contributing to the project, one student dominating the group, or students having different expectations about group performance and workload (Burke, 2011). See this article from The Scholarly Teacher on increasing the effectiveness of group work.

Reading and Dyslexia in a Digital World: The Perspective of a Reading Warrior
This webinar with Dr. Maryanne Wolf (Director of the Center for Dyslexia, Diverse Learners, and Social Justice, UCLA Graduate School of Education and Information Studies) addresses how the human brain has evolved over time to make sense of words on a page, weaving a tapestry of research from neuroscience, linguistics, and cognitive psychology. This recorded…

Effective Strategies for Culturally Responsive Teaching
As we continue to learn from the way that the COVID-19 pandemic has changed the modern classroom, it is more important than ever to examine the way we reach many kinds of learners. See an article here on "Effective Strategies for Culturally Responsive Teaching" by Ciera Graham, PH.D.

Interested in how to help students wrestle with challenging texts and concepts in your class? See the recent paper from Dr. Jonathan Cisco (Associate Director, Teaching for Learning Center), “Embracing Difficulty across the Disciplines: The Difficulty Paper As a Tool for Building Disciplinary Literacy.”

Pedagogies of Care
Open Resources for Student-Centered & Adaptive Strategies in the New Higher-Ed Landscape