Faculty Inclusive Teaching Course for Spring 2024

Apply Now! Faculty Inclusive Teaching Course for Spring 2024

Facilitated by Flower Darby, Associate Director, Teaching for Learning Center

Are you committed to equity and inclusion in your teaching? Ready to take it to the next level? Apply to join our Spring 2024 Faculty Inclusive Teaching Course (ITC).

Please Note
This course begins on February 20th. To ensure you can attend all sessions, please hold Tuesdays from 11:00am-12:15pm if you submit an application.


WHO?  – 

Full-time faculty members of any level who are committed to enhancing their effective and inclusive teaching. Faculty should teach a credit-bearing course in Fall 2024 to test new strategies.


A discussion-based in-person course with bi-weekly meetings during Spring 2024 and implementation of three new teaching strategies and a report-back in Fall 2024.


The course runs from February 20, 2024 (orientation) through April 23, 2024 (optional makeup session on April 30).

Course meetings –

  • Every Tuesday, February 20th – April 23rd, 11:00am – 12:15pm, in person at the Teaching for Learning Center, 25 Ellis Library.
  • The final course meeting will take place in Fall 2024, to report back to the cohort on ITC-related changes you implemented in your own Fall 2024 course. A celebration lunch will be provided.

All meetings are in person in the Teaching for Learning Center, 25 Ellis Library.

HOW? –

Accepted participants will:

  • Confirm their acceptance in the course
  • Engage in structured reading, discussion, and application of The Norton Guide to Equity-Minded Teaching between Feb. 20 – Apr. 23, 2024, meeting in person every Tuesday, 11:00am-12:15pm
  • Develop three evidence-based changes to implement in a Fall 2024 course they’re teaching
  • Implement the three changes and reflect on their and students’ experience resulting from the changes
  • Report back to the cohort in Fall 2024 at a celebration luncheon.

The course is FREE for accepted full-time faculty participants.

Those who successfully complete the fall and spring requirements will earn a stipend of $800.00 and a Certificate of Completion.


This beyond-the-basics learning community provides time and space to reflect on our teaching practices, uncover sites of any unintended inequity, and gain a solid research foundation plus practical course design and teaching strategies for all class modalities. Join us as we learn from and with each other to foster increased learning and success for all students at Mizzou.

Please review the details below and apply if you meet the eligibility criteria.

Intended Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Analyze key concepts for Equity-Minded Teaching in relation to your own classes.
  2. Identify 3 changes to your Fall 2024 classes with an action plan for each.
  3. Discuss reflections, plans, and implementations with your colleagues in our course.
  4. Report back to the cohort in Fall 2024.

One success and your plans for future implementation

One challenge and lesson learned

Summary course data and student experience.

Course Time Commitment

  • Expect to spend an average of 2-3 hours per week from Feb. 20 – April 23, 2024
  • We will meet every Tuesday from 11:00am – 12:15pm, in person only, in the Teaching for Learning Center, 25 Ellis Library
  • Meetings take place on the following dates:
    • February 20 & 27
    • March 5, 12, 19
    • April 2, 9, 16, 23
    • An optional makeup session will be offered on April 30
  • Each week’s remaining time will consist of asynchronous readings and activities, personal reflection, and course-planning

Course Curriculum

We will read and discuss The Norton Guide to Equity-Minded Teaching (2023), available as a free eBook or on paper for any accepted participants who request one.

Criteria for Participation and Completion of the Inclusive Teaching Credential

  • Full-time faculty member of any rank
  • Active participation in person at all sessions (unavoidable absences may be made up on April 30th, or by other suitable arrangement)
  • Timely completion of readings, discussions, and course activities
  • Design and development of three changes to a Fall 2024 course you’re teaching based on our readings and discussions
  • Implementation of the three changes in a Fall 2024 course you’re teaching
  • Report-back to the cohort on your implementation, your reflections on your and your students’ resulting experiences, and summary course data.

How To Apply for Acceptance to the Inclusive Teaching Course

Questions? Please email teaching@missouri.edu.