Published on May 6, 2019

As we prepare for the 10th Annual Celebration of Teaching at MU, let me extend a virtual smile and fist bump to each and every educator who made the difference in a student’s life this year. How you made that difference through any number of instructional practices, such as Mizzou Method learning projects, laboratory experiences, role-playing and debates for critical thinking and oral communication, and/or through fostering an increasingly inclusive learning environment, on May 21 and 22, we celebrate YOU!
Come one, come all and bring colleagues! Our special event will be a teaching conference to be remembered. Our keynote speaker, Dr. James Lang will engage us with “small teaching” moves that leverage powerful research-based findings to deepen student learning. It’s the perfect presentation for us as we reflect on how to modify and improve instruction for next semester.
Read on for more details about the event.
Best wishes for the successful conclusion of spring 2019!
Your colleagues in the Teaching for Learning Center,
Tori Mondelli, Founding Director
Kelly Holtkamp, Program Manager
Jonathan Crader, Office support Assistant