Mindful Teaching in Moments of Tension
Inside Higher Ed features an article by Rosalie Metro that offers strategies for navigating sensitive classroom discussions, especially during election seasons. The article highlights the importance of establishing clear discussion norms with students, setting firm boundaries, and employing thoughtful phrases to defuse tense situations.

Mindfulness in Teaching Community of Practice
See an infographic resource for "Facilitating Sensitive Classroom Conversations with Compassion During Election Season" provided by Rose Metro and Cyd Funk, leaders of the Mindfulness in Teaching Community of Practice.

AI and the Learning Environment
In the spring 2024 semester, the Provost charged tri-chairs of an “Artificial Intelligence and the Learning Environment Taskforce” to create a working group to research and make recommendations on the following three areas: 1) pedagogy, 2) learning, and 3) ethics. Tori Mondelli (Director, Teaching for Learning Center), Enid Schatz (Associate Dean, Graduate School), and Ben…

Syllabi Policies for AI Generative Tools
This collaborative Google Doc was created by Faculty Developer Lance Eaton and offers over 100 sample syllabus statements which you can sort by discipline and rights for reuse. It is a wonderful resource to help every educator share ideas on how to communicate clearly with students on this important teaching and learning topic. Share yours…

How This Professor Made History Class Cool Again
Dr. Tori Mondelli shares her model for learning game design with The Chronicle of Higher Education. Read on for a glimpse of how the pedagogy fosters deeper student learning and engagement.

Drop-In Hours at T4LC
NEW – Drop-in hours with the T4LC staff are from 3:00-4:00pm each weekday, Monday through Friday. Any teaching for learning topic is most welcome!

Tea for Teaching
Student learning is enhanced when active learning activities are used in instruction. In this episode, Dr. Mondelli (Founding Director - Teaching for Learning Center) and her co-author Dr. Joe Bisz discuss this and more concepts in their new book The Educator’s Guide to Designing Games and Creative Active-Learning Exercises: The Allure of Play.

Inclusive Educators Podcast
Listen here to T4LC Associate Director, Flower Darby, as she discusses pre-semester planning on how to bring equity to the classroom with elements from her recently published book, The Norton Guide to Equity-Minded Teaching.

The Mindful Minute
T4LC Fellow, Dr. Rosalie Metro (Associate Teaching Professor - Learning, Teaching, & Curriculum), shares her thoughts on how to begin your classes with an element of mindfulness.

How to Create Active, Engaging, and Playful Learning Environments
T4LC Director, Dr. Victoria Mondelli, recently spoke on the Lecture Breakers podcast. In episode 141 of the Lecture Breakers podcast, Dr. Mondelli and Dr. Joe Bisz (co-authors of the recently released The Educator’s Guide to Designing Games and Creative Active-Learning Exercises: The Allure of Play.) discuss why active learning and play are so important in…