News, Page 7

Welcome Associate Director Dr. Lydia Bentley

Appointment effective August 12

How to Make Your Teaching More Inclusive

This comprehensive guide offers a road map to make sure your classroom interactions and course design reach all students, not just some of them.

It’s time to CELEBRATE!

Come one, come all and bring colleagues! Our special event will be a teaching conference to be remembered. Our keynote speaker, Dr. James Lang will engage us with “small teaching” moves that leverage powerful research-based findings to deepen student learning.

A Message From the Founding Director – April

For so many of us, April is the homestretch.

How Can We Convince Students That Easier Doesn’t Always Mean Better?

Article by 2019 Celebration of Teaching Keynote, James Lang.

A Message From the Founding Director – March

The Teaching for Learning Center joins Mizzou’s celebration of Women’s History and wants to thank our colleagues for the impact they achieve through Mizzou’s many women’s organizations.

Special Event with Distinguished Guest, Dr. Stephen Brookfield

Hosted by the Teaching for Learning Center on Friday, April 5, 2019.

A Message From the Founding Director – February

The Teaching for Learning Center team joins the community in celebration of  Black History Month, 2019! We hope see you at the many excellent events organized for this year’s theme: Black Migrations: New Destinations, New Realities.

Students Learn From People They Love

Putting relationship quality at the center of education.

How to Avoid Overprepping for Your Classes

Too many faculty members prepare too much for the classes they teach, writes Christine Tulley, who proposes a solution: pattern teaching.