Thank a Prof 2023

  • I want to thank you for your compassion in teaching us in the way that you do – you are such a forgiving and FUN professor – your lectures were ways interesting, you had a wonderful way of including us even when we are virtual students, and you were always there for us when we had a question. You are truly a wonderful person – I am so thankful to have had you as a professor this year. Thank you for your grace and kindness! You rock!


  • Coming from a journalism student who originally was taking this class for gen-ed credits, thank you for making this class my favorite out of any class I had this semester. You make class so interesting because it’s not just a lecture and you always have a story for anything you are teaching! Thank you for making this class beyond enjoyable to the point that I’m taking another atmospheric science class!


  • I have enjoyed Intro so much. Your teaching style is fun and engaging, and being in your class makes me so glad and excited that I chose Hospitality Management as my major. Thank you so much for being a great teacher!


  • I would like to thank you for your genuine care for your students. After I experienced unexpected personal difficulties, you didn’t just offer academic support; you extended a compassionate hand, showing a level of understanding and empathy that goes beyond what is typically expected from a professor. Your willingness to accommodate my situation and provide the necessary support not only helped me navigate through a tough period but also reinforced my belief in the importance of compassionate educators.
    As I embark upon leading United States Army Soldiers, I will remember your kindness and extend the same level of empathy and support to those under my supervision. You are an excellent role model and I am grateful to have known you. I wish you much success.


  • Thank you so much for your work! Your class makes me actually excited to come to campus everyday. I really appreciate how interactive and dynamic your lectures have been, you really have helped me get through my less interesting courses this semester.


  • I was unsure and afraid coming into college, after all I had no idea what the differences would be like. Especially with my classes, I wondered if I would do well and about how much I could learn and gain from my classes. I’m glad that you were my professor this semester, as I find it hard to believe that anyone else could have made me feel as inspired or safe to learn. My time at Mizzou so far has been very positive, and I think you have set a good precedent and foundation for my production classes to come. Personally I found your insights as an experienced artist/mentor helpful, and your ability to further direct the class/individuals to sources that are relevant to our interests great! I have also greatly appreciated our meeting that we had earlier in the year, with your honesty in talking about your own work and getting to know more about me as well. As a nervous freshman your class made me feel more at ease and your prompts for projects have been incredibly fun to work with. I hope I can see your works as they finish and that we can meet again someday.


  • Thank you for making organic chemistry an enjoyable class! You are truly one of the best professors at Mizzou!


  • I just wanted to show my appreciation for your help this semester. My progress in understanding how to complete the tests has greatly improved because of your effort to help students understand. I also appreciate how you give advice on what to improve for our group presentations so we can grow as students.


  • I just wanted to say THANK YOU!! I can tell you really do care and it means a lot! I know we still technically have a few weeks of the semester left but I couldn’t go without saying thank you! I hope you have an amazing week, you deserve it especially because see me at my hangriest every class! You rock!!


  • Thank you for being more than just an educator and advisor; you’ve been a guiding presence, akin to a family member. Your mentorship has extended far beyond the classroom, and I’m deeply honored to have been introduced to your wisdom and kindness. Your impact on my academic journey is invaluable, and I’m sincerely grateful for your unwavering support.


  • Thank you for teaching us this course, your patience for answering our questions and explaining concepts in detail is what makes this course really helpful to take. You not only gave us access to specific tools and resources to make research and scientific writing easier but also guided us to specific techniques/methods we can continue to employ to think more critically and write with better clarity. Thank you for taking the time to do so and helping us improve!


  • Thank you for making complex topics less intimidating and being very approachable. You always take the time to write detailed and thorough notes to help us improve and fully understand, instead of just docking us points. You have helped me identify things I could see myself doing in my career and we have all loved learning from your experiences in the field. I appreciate the balance you created between in-class work and lectures that have allowed my group to really dive deep into our research and ideas. Thank you!


  • Thank you thank you thank you so much for making lecture fun! Your energetic teaching style and use of humor is refreshing compared to most bland lecturers. I love your rambling story telling and unbiased teaching!


  • I wanted to express my sincere gratitude for your guidance and support throughout this semester. Your dedication to our class has been invaluable, and I’ve learned so much under your mentorship. Thank you for your encouragement and the knowledge you’ve shared; it has truly made a difference in my academic journey.


  • Thank you so much for being such a wonderful professor to have this semester. I greatly appreciate how much thought and care you show for your students mental health and wellbeing. The relationships you have built with your students are so special and mean more than you know. You are one of the few teachers who has the ability to be an authoritative figure yet simultaneously be available for students to be vulnerable with and in college that is a rarity. Thank you for everything you have done for me personally, as even the class discussions you lead like finding sources of joy has reminded me to take it easy sometimes and appreciate the wonderful people I have in my life.


  • You have done a wonderful job this year of fostering a supportive learning environment and making your course and content both interesting and applicable. I can tell that you are passionate about exploring the world of eating disorders and educating people about them, which I believe led partially to my successes in your class. I am so thankful that you were our professor – I was a little nervous about this class at the beginning of the year, but your course was such a great introduction into the role of eating disorders and you are truly a rockstar educator. Thank you for your passion in teaching and your patience with your learners. I am grateful to have had you as a professor this year!


  • Thank you so much for being a great professor. I have had one of the best experiences in a course at Mizzou during this class. I appreciate how much you genuinely care for each and every one of your students and how dedicated you are to helping us all succeed. Thank you!


  • I know that choosing a good advisor is one of the biggest and most important decisions in life, so I am pleased to have an advisor like you. I want to express my gratitude for everything you have given me. Since my spoken English does not fully convey my appreciation, and sometimes I couldn’t explain myself properly, I chose to write this note. Despite the slow progress in my doctoral studies, I am grateful to you for being understanding of my challenges and for encouraging me with your valuable guidance. I am eager to graduate from my doctorate well-equipped and committed to doing my best. I know there is still a long way to go and much to learn, but I want to thank you for being a role model for me on this journey and for inspiring me with your hard work.


  • I truly notice and appreciate all that you do for my classmates and I. I look up to you and hope that one day I can carry on many of the same traits you have, not only as a sonographer, but also as a person. Thank you!


  • Thank you for allowing me to have such a successful semester in this class. You were helpful to me in so many ways, and I am so grateful to have had a professor like you. You have done everything you can to be sure we are successful. You are great at what you do. Thank you!


  • Thank you for teaching the calculus class this semester! I was really surprised how much rigor you put into the subject compared to my high school calculus class, and I really enjoyed it. The unit on series was particularly fun, and the moment when we got to Taylor series was fascinating. Your lectures were super easy to follow and well paced, I appreciate the quality of the examples you gave during them, and I found your sense of humor delightful! Thanks again for teaching the course and doing such a great job!