Students Learn From People They Love
Putting relationship quality at the center of education.

How to Avoid Overprepping for Your Classes
Too many faculty members prepare too much for the classes they teach, writes Christine Tulley, who proposes a solution: pattern teaching.

A Message From the Founding Director – December
After a well-deserved winter break, January ushers in a spirit of renewal and reinvention. Join us for the 4th Annual Teaching Renewal Week, January 14 – 18, 2019. It is an experience wherein colleagues gather for inspiration, collaboration, and action on a wide variety of teaching for learning goals.

Teaching Renewal Week 2019 – January 14th-January 18th, 2019
Week of Jan 14 – 18. Sessions scheduled for January 15th have been cancelled.

A Message from the Founding Director – November
As the month of November opens, I am in the habit of mind to give thanks for features of life that are positive and meaningful. For students and all lifelong learners, it is a great time to thank our professors, instructors, advisors, and mentors (present and of yester-year). This November, my very first in the Show Me State, I also give thanks to the Mizzou community for envisioning a new Teaching for Learning Center and inviting me to lead it to fruition.

Teaching and Learning Technology Conference
NOW ACCEPTING PROPOSALS TO PRESENT! Proposals are due by Friday, November 30, 2018.

What Will Students Remember From Your Class in 20 Years?
One rainy September day, a small group of faculty members gathered around a conference table in a seminar room at my college to puzzle over an extraordinarily difficult question: Twenty years from now, what do we hope students will remember from our courses?

10 Key Points About Active Learning
For well over a decade, I’ve been exploring the science of learning, cognitive neuroscience, research on memory and studies of pedagogy, as well as reading everything I can get my hands on having to do with techniques and methods for meaningful, engaged classrooms.

The Chronicle’s Best Ideas for Teaching
The 10 articles in this collection describes innovative teaching strategies—not just high-tech ones, but low-tech ones, like peer instruction, faculty learning communities, and reconsideration of the canon.

What a New Professor Learned After His First Class
When a new professor starts teaching, the learning curve can be steep — even for people who have done remarkable things outside academe.